Embroidery & Quidditch

I don’t have many pics to show of work this week.
I’ve worked on my corset embroidery off and on. Last night I cleaned out my makeup bin, organized everything and wrote up a list of stuff I needed for Dragoncon, and then sculpted my Romana buckle.
Here’s the corset, one side done:

For whatever reason I decided to repeat the embroidery pattern from my tights onto the leather corset. Sure, let's embroider through a layer of leather, a layer of canvas, two layers of cotton and some steel boning for fun.Kelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

And over the weekend Kevin and were racing our brooms around the yard and playing a little Quidditch.

Me and Kevin flying around the yard

Oh! I forgot to post it here! My vine video:

Actually won the vine contest Dragoncon was holding! How awesome is that?
I got my prize yesterday in the mail. I can’t even tell you how excited I was, because I actually don’t own a single “Dragoncon” thing. Not a shirt, not a print, nothing. I got a Dragoncon lanyard wallet! That’ll definitely come in handy. And, best of all, a signed print of the badge artwork from Dragoncon 2005. 2005 was a big year for me, so having that from that year is super awesome. After the con I’m going to get it framed and put up somewhere.
So yeah that 30 minutes wasted making that silly video last week was totally worth it!